小野 梓(おの あずさ) 嘉永5年~明治19年(1852-1886)
明治維新後、アメリカ、イギリスで経済、法律を学び、帰国後は大隈重信とともに立憲改進党の結成、東京専門学校(現 早稲田大学)の設立に中心人物として尽力し、自らも良書の普及のために東洋館書店(現冨山房)をつくって執筆にもあたりました。
Azusa Ono was a very educated political philosopher and parliamentary and
civil rights advocate who died at a young age of thirty-five.
After the Meiji Restoration, he studied politics and economics in America
and England.
Upon his return he established Rikken Kaishinto (Constitutional Reform
Party) with Shigenobu Okuma and then contributed to the eatablishment of
Tokyo Senmon Gakko (today's Waseda University).
Ono was the author of many books, notably “Kokken Hanron” which presented
a theoretical concept of a parliamentary system, role of the emperor and
the duty of the people.
Ono was also known for his establishment of the Toyokan Bookstore (today's Fuzanbo).